The ISDD Project will capture existing Industry Standard Datasheets (ISDs) as machine interpretable business objects that are then fully re-usable, mappable and extensible. The effort will capture high-value properties from existing, high-value ISDs published by credible industry associations including API, ASME, IEC, ISA, ISO, NORSOK and PIP.

As ISDs were developed by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in various working groups by various industry associations, they used a variety of differing conventions for defining document and content structure. While some of the ISDs are available in the form of spreadsheets, the spreadsheets were almost never developed in a manner that would enable direct machine interpretability of the information they contain. This makes it very difficult to directly reuse the ISDs, without clear guidance from these same or similar SMEs, who are very familiar with all of the associated meta knowledge.
In spite of these limitations, these ISDs remain the seminal industry documents, which most process industry owner/operators and their supply chain partners use as reference documents, while trying to capture, manage and exchange the related data sets they require in order to properly support the full lifecycle of their plants, platforms and facilities. As such, while these ISDs represent the only supplier and owner/operator neutral way of identifying the data that is required, the existing process for using them is labor intensive, redundant, error prone and incomplete. This has a particularly negative impact on the Operations and Maintenance of the associated long lived physical assets, because the information needed to properly provision, integrate, operate and maintain them is not readily available in a directly reusable, supplier-neutral, machine interpretable fashion. This results in both direct costs and opportunity costs on a recurring basis over the entire life-cycle of those assets, long after the end of the capital project.
If you are interested in participating or learning more, please contact us for more information.