Joining MIMOSA provides your organization with access and input to the MIMOSA standards currently under development. Participation in the MIMOSA Technical Committee will provide your organization with early lead time for development and help ensure the published standards properly address your requirements. MIMOSA Members are featured in MIMOSA’s marketing materials (including the website) and also receive other valuable consideration.
Members may have any number of employees attend regular MIMOSA meetings, while MIMOSA reserves the right to limit attendance for other membership classes to a primary individual designated by the member to represent their organization. Academic Members have access to the Members-Only area of the website. Each member entity is entitled to a single vote for bylaws changes or the election of directors.
The official MIMOSA organizational logo is the MIMOSA blade with the Service Mark (SM) alongside the upper right corner. It is depicted below and may be downloaded for use by Members signifying their membership in MIMOSA.

Become a MIMOSA Member
MIMOSA membership is available for both individuals and organizations.
The first step in becoming a MIMOSA member is to download copies of MIMOSA’s Membership Application, By-laws and Intellectual Property Rights Policy for your review.
Membership Application [PDF] Membership Application [DOCX]
MIMOSA By-laws
The second step is to fax or mail a signed Membership Application to the address listed below. All checks should be made payable to MIMOSA.
- Phone/Fax: +1-949-625-8616
- Mail: MIMOSA Administrative Office
2200 Jack Warner Pkwy
Suite 300
Tuscaloosa, AL 35406
Renew Membership
To renew your MIMOSA membership for the next 12 months, please fax or mail the MIMOSA Membership Renewal Application to the address listed above. All checks should be made payable to MIMOSA.