Standards Executives Convene the Inaugural Standards Leadership Council Forum

HOUSTON, TX – (Marketwire – Jul 3, 2012) – On June 28, 2012 senior executives from nine leading standards bodies associated with the oil and gas industry hosted the inaugural Standards Leadership Council Forum to encourage collaboration on open standards for the benefit of the upstream industry. Over 125 industry members attended the all-day event at the Marriott Westchase Hotel in Houston, Texas, hosted by BP, geoLOGIC, Halliburton and Oracle.

The Standards Leadership Council (SLC) was formed in February of this year to avoid duplication in standards development projects and to address mutual challenges like determining business value metrics for standards adoption, enhancing membership benefits and maintaining financial sustainability. In addition, the SLC is planning additional joint industry events to deliver its standards adoption message across the industry.

The SLC Forum was keynoted by Derek Mathieson, President, Western Hemisphere Operations of Baker Hughes, who described the importance of adopting and implementing open standards as key to the digital oilfield. Mathieson encouraged the delegates to increase industry collaboration for standards and to participate in the development process.

Duncan Junor, Vice President, Halliburton and the Energistics’ Board Chair, formally closed the forum by saying, “Without question this initial forum was a huge success. Just to have all nine standards organizations in the same room is a huge accomplishment, to say nothing of the more than 125 attendees. It was a sold out event, which speaks volumes to the dedication and passion of this industry to work together to adopt and implement standards.”

Jim Crompton, Chevron Senior Advisor Global Upstream and a Chevron Fellow remarked, “For me this is a very significant meeting. While I recognize that this isn’t the first time that the standards groups have convened to discuss joint responsibilities, for years these meetings have been effective primarily on a tactical one-on-one level. This meeting is a symbolic milestone, a lot like the now famous handshake that happened recently in Belfast between Queen Elizabeth II of England and former IRA chief Martin McGuinness, bringing together the last 20 years of effort as well as the promise of the next 20 years as the needs for standards to continue to grow.”

The participating standards organizations and leaders at the forum were: Energistics (Jerry Hubbard), MIMOSA (Alan Johnston), Open Geospatial Consortium (Carl Reed), OPC Foundation (Tom Burke), PIDX International (Tony Aming), PODS (Janet Sinclair), POSC Caesar Association (Nils Sandsmark), PPDM Association (Trudy Curtis), and Society of Exploration Geophysicists (Jill Lewis).

Energistics serves as facilitator, custodian and advocate for the development and adoption of technical open data exchange standards in the upstream industry.

MIMOSA, an operations and maintenance open systems alliance, is a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to developing and encouraging the adoption of open information standards for Operations and Maintenance in manufacturing, fleet, and facility environments.

PIDX International provides a global forum for delivering the process, information and technology standards that facilitates seamless, efficient electronic business within the oil and natural gas industry and its trading community.

POSC Caesar Association (PCA) is an independent, global member organisation developing, enhancing, and promoting methodology, technology and solutions for data interoperability with special focus on ISO 15926 and W3C recommendations.

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is an international industry consortium of over 450 companies, government agencies and universities participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geospatial encoding and interface standards.

The OPC Foundation is dedicated to ensuring interoperability in automation by creating and maintaining open specifications that standardize the communication of acquired process data, alarm and event records, historical data, and batch data to multi-vendor enterprise systems and between production devices.

The Pipeline Open Data Standard Association (PODS) was created to develop and support open data storage and interchange standards to meet the specific data management needs of pipeline companies

The Professional Petroleum Data Management Association (PPDM) is a global not-for-profit organization within the petroleum industry to promote professional petroleum data management through the development and dissemination of best practices

Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) is a not-for-profit organization that promotes the science of applied geophysics and the education of geophysicists. The Society fulfills its mission through its publications, conferences, forums, web sites, and educational opportunities.

MIMOSA is a member of both the OpenO&M and the Standards Leadership Council.

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