In order for O&M systems who only periodically have an interest in knowing about the current serialized asset information in association with a functional segment, the asset registry management system needs to provide the current serialized asset installed on a segment and the segment where a serialized asset is currently installed and to a querying O&M system.
Asset Registry | Responds to queries on the current functional segment where a serialized asset is installed or to the current serialized asset installed on a segment |
O&M Systems | Queries the Asset Registry as to the current functional segment where a serialized asset is installed or to the current serialized asset installed on a segment |
The information flows can occur after the following events have occurred:
- For green field environments, Use Case 1 and Use Case 10 have resulted in the Asset Registry and O&M Systems being populated with functional location and installed equipment asset data.
Data Content
The data sent from the Asset Registry to O&M Systems is, at a minimum, composed of:
- The functional location
- The serialized asset
- The timestamp of when the installation or removal occurred
In addition, the following data can be sent for context:
- The agent who performed the installation or removal
- The calendared maintenance work order associated with the installation or removal
Data Formats
The data published by the Asset Registry and received by O&M Systems must conform to MIMOSA CCOM BODs.
MIMOSA CCOM Reference Types
For the purposes of reference data management, the following MIMOSA CCOM types may be referenced:
- EventType
: Installation of Asset on Segment
MIMOSA CCOM Business Object Documents
The following MIMOSA CCOM BODs should be supported:
- GetCurrentSegmentWhereAssetInstalled
- ShowCurrentSegmentWhereAssetInstalled
- GetCurrentAssetsInstalledOnSegment
- ShowCurrentAssetsInstalledOnSegment
Infrastructural Components
The communication between all systems occurs via the ISBM using request-response services.
Implementation Requirements
The Asset Registry must implement a client for the ISBM Provider Request and Channel Management Services. The Asset Registry may implement the ISBM Notify Listener Service for request notification.
O&M Systems must implement a client for the ISBM Consumer Request and Channel Management Services. O&M Systems may implement the ISBM Notify Listener Services for response notification.
Suggested Channel/Topic Configuration
A channel should be created for install requests and should conform to the following format:
/Enterprise/Enterprise Subdivision/.../ISO18435:D1.3
For example:
/Enterprise/Refinery A/Area A/Light Ends Area/ISO18435:D1.3
As outlined in the document ISBM Guidelines, topics should match the message content. Correspondingly, the following topic format should be used:
For example:
OIIE:SC33:V1.0/CCOM:GetCurrentSegmentWhereAssetInstalled:V1.0 OIIE:SC33:V1.0/CCOM:ShowCurrentSegmentWhereAssetInstalled:V1.0 OIIE:SC33:V1.0/CCOM:GetCurrentAssetsInstalledOnSegment:V1.0 OIIE:SC33:V1.0/CCOM:ShowCurrentAssetsInstalledOnSegment:V1.0