MIMOSA™ is a 501 (c) 6 not-for-profit industry trade association dedicated to developing and encouraging the adoption of open, supplier-neutral IT and IM standards enabling physical asset lifecycle management spanning manufacturing, fleet and facilities environments. MIMOSA standards support key requirements for Critical Infrastructure Management on a cross-sector basis, addressing the highly heterogeneous and interdependent nature of critical infrastructure. MIMOSA standards and collaboratively developed specifications enable a Digital Twin to be defined and maintained on a supplier-neutral basis, while also using that Digital Twin to provide Context for Big Data (IIOT and other sensor-related data) and Analytics. 

In order to accomplish this goal, MIMOSA (working in cooperation with other like minded groups) manages the development, validation and maintenance of a specification for a supplier-neutral industrial digital ecosystem, the Open Industrial Interoperability Ecosystem (OIIE).  The OIIE is defined through an Industry Use Case Driven Methodology in concert with a standard overall IT and IM architecture, based fully on published, supplier-neutral standards and specifications.  The OIIE Use Cases are developed to support prioritized industry functional requirements associated with the missions of MIMOSA, our members and our cooperation partners.  They are specified based on the OIIE Standard Use Case Architecture, which spans from a basic story to the details needed for actual code implementation.

In order to validate the OIIE Specification and the ability of included COTS applications from multiple industry suppliers to use the OIIE to properly support the included OIIE Use Cases, MIMOSA manages the associated, OIIE Piloting Environment using commercial cloud infrastructure.  The Oil and Gas Interoperability (OGI) Pilot is an instance of the OIIE which runs in the OIIE Piloting Environment which includes processes, systems and component specifications which are used in both the Oil and Gas Industry and other asset intensive process oriented industries.  Applications and systems (both COTS and Open Source) from multiple suppliers are validated to support the included OIIE Use Cases, while also helping to improve the use cases themselves as well as the associated technical specifications.

The OIIE OGI Pilot is run in a programmatic fashion, split into a continuing series of project phases, each of which incrementally builds on the former phases.  At the end of each phase, a Technical Report is generated which includes Lessons Learned and a Gap Analysis, which is used to develop recommendations for Next Steps to drive incremental updates of the OIIE, the included specifications and  future pilot phases.

ISO TC 184/WG 6 uses the OIIE OGI Pilot as its own R&D proving grounds, as it is developing ISO 18101, also know as the OGI Technical Specification.  The Technical Reports generated by the OIIE OGI Pilot team are turned into formal ISO TRs which are then used to shape the subsequent parts of ISO 18101 on an incremental basis.

The OIIE Solutions Process seeks to avoid “re-inventing wheels” by leveraging a portfolio of existing standards purpose built for specific functions, with a focus on solving the business problems defined by the use cases, rather than on developing new standards. Key standards used to define the OIIE include those associated with the OpenO&M™ Initiative (ISA 88/95, MIMOSA CCOM, OPC UA, OAGi BOD architecture and OpenO&M ws-ISBM/CIR), as well as ISO 15926. Other appropriate standards will be added as they may be required by use cases that are added to the OIIE.

Board of Directors

Manoj Dharwadkar Dow (Chair)
Deb McNeil IPA

Peter Eales

Koios Master Data

Pak Wong

PdMA Corporation

Don Sands


Markus Stumptner

FEnEx CRC, Australia


President, CEO Alan T. Johnston Assetricity, LLC
Vice President Pak Wong PdMA Corporation
Secretary Deb McNeil IPA
Chief Financial Officer Cliff Pedersen Retired O/O, ISO TC 184 TAG Chair, Canada
Chief Technical Officer Markus Stumptner FEnEx CRC, Australia