Beyond Reliability to Profitability

Reliability concerns have controlled much of power generation design and operations. Emerging from a strictly regulated environment, profitability is becoming a much more important concept for today’s power generation executives. This paper discusses the conceptual advance-view power plant maintenance as a profit center, go beyond reliability, and embrace profitability. Profit Centered Maintenance begins with the premise that financial considerations, namely profitability, drive most aspects of modern process and manufacturing operations. Profit Centered Maintenance is a continuous process of reliability and administrative improvement and optimization. For the power generation executives with troublesome maintenance programs, Profit Centered Maintenance can be the blueprint to increased profitability. It requires the culture change to make decisions based on value, to reengineer the administration of maintenance, and to enable the people performing and administering maintenance to make the most of available maintenance information technology. The key steps are to optimize the physical function of maintenance and to resolve recurring maintenance problems so that the need for maintenance can be reduced. Profit Centered Maintenance is more than just an attitude – it is a path to profitability, be it resulting in increased profits or increased market share.

Thomas H. Bond, John S. Mitchell
Release Date: Monday, 1 July 1996

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